8 Explosive Gluteus Minimus Exercises for Maximum Results!

Try these 8 Gluteus Minimus Exercises to make some picture-perfect posteriors. We’ve unlocked the secret to sculpting that dream booty especially if you’re looking to target the Gluteus Minimus. While often overshadowed by its larger sibling, the gluteus maximus, the gluteus minimus plays a crucial role in shaping and defining your derrière. Get ready to take your booty game to the next level with these 10 explosive gluteus minimus exercises that will leave you feeling the burn and seeing results like never before!

1. Gluteus Minimus Exercises –  Minimus Targetted Lunges

To target the gluteus minimus more specifically, you can perform a Lateral Lunge:

Starting Position: Stand with your feet together and your hands on your hips or by your sides.

Lateral Lunge: Take a step to the side with one leg, keeping your other foot in place. Bend the stepping leg at the knee while keeping the other leg straight. Your weight should shift to the side as you lunge.

Push Back to Center: Push off the stepping leg and return to the starting position.

Switch Sides: Repeat the movement by alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.

This lateral lunge variation targets the gluteus minimus more because it engages the muscles on the side of your hip and buttocks as you perform the side-to-side movement.

Always maintain proper form, and start with a light weight or no weight if you’re new to lunges or this variation. Gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable with the exercise.!

2. Gluteus Minimus Exercises – Side-Step Band Shuffle

The side step band shuffle is a dynamic exercise that involves using a resistance band to work on your lower body muscles, particularly your hips and thighs. It’s another one of the most effective gluteus minimus exercises as it typically aims in strengthening your hip abductors, which include the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, and can also help improve hip stability and overall lower body strength. Here’s how to perform a side step band shuffle:

Equipment Needed:

Resistance Band: You’ll need a looped resistance band that you can place around your legs, just above your knees.

Steps to perform:

Prepare Your Band: Place the resistance band around your legs, just above your knees. Make sure it’s secure but not too tight. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Starting Position: Stand up straight with your core engaged and your hands on your hips or by your sides for balance.

Side Step: Take a step to the side with one foot, leading with your heel. Keep your toes pointing forward. As you step, push against the resistance of the band to create tension in your hip abductors.

Bring the Other Leg In: After stepping to the side, bring your other foot in towards the lead foot, closing the gap but maintaining tension in the band. Your feet should be about hip-width apart again.

Repeat the Shuffle: Continue the side steps to one side for a set number of repetitions or a set distance. Keep your movements controlled, and focus on engaging your hip muscles throughout the exercise.

Switch Sides: After completing the desired number of repetitions to one side, reverse your steps and shuffle to the other side. Take an equal number of steps in each direction to maintain balance.

Complete the Set: Repeat the side step band shuffle for the recommended number of sets and repetitions, typically 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions per side.


Maintain good posture throughout the exercise.

Keep your knees slightly bent and your weight evenly distributed between both feet.

Focus on the resistance provided by the band to engage your hip muscles.

The side step band shuffle is an excellent minimus exercise to incorporate into your lower body workout routine, especially if you want to target your hip abductors and improve hip stability. Feel the burn as you step sideways, maintaining tension on the band. This exercise not only lifts your butt but also tightens your outer thighs for a well-rounded sculpted look. It’s also a good warm-up exercise before more intense leg workouts or sports activities. Adjust the resistance of the band to match your fitness level, and as always, consult a fitness professional or healthcare provider if you have any concerns or medical conditions.

3. Gluteus Minimus Exercises – Curtsy Lunge Pulses

Give your gluteus minimus the royal treatment with Curtsy Lunge Pulses. As you curtsy, your minimus is called into action to maintain hip stability and balance. Take it up a notch by adding pulses at the bottom of each curtsy lunge – these mini movements intensify the burn and help isolate your minimus for maximum sculpting. Your glutes will thank you later when they’re tight, toned, and utterly irresistible!

Equipment Needed:

None, but you can use dumbbells or a resistance band to increase the intensity if desired.

Steps to perform:

Starting Position: Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. If you’re using dumbbells, hold one in each hand at your sides. Keep your core engaged for stability.

Lunge Back: Take a step diagonally behind you with your right foot, crossing it behind your left leg. Your left knee should be directly above your left ankle, and your right knee should hover just above the floor on the outside of your left leg. Imagine you are curtsying or bowing.

Pulse: Once you’re in the curtsy lunge position, pulse by slightly bending your knees further and then straightening them back up a few inches, keeping the tension in your leg muscles. This pulsing motion should be small, controlled movements.

Repeat Pulsing: Continue pulsing for the desired number of repetitions or for a specific time duration. You should feel a burn in your quads, glutes, and inner thighs during the pulses.

Return to Starting Position: After completing the pulses, step your right foot back to the starting position, bringing your feet hip-width apart again.

Switch Sides: Perform the same sequence on the other side by stepping diagonally behind with your left foot this time, crossing behind your right leg. Pulse in the curtsy lunge position on this side.

Complete the Set: Continue alternating between right and left sides for the recommended number of sets and repetitions. A common range is 2-3 sets of 10-15 pulses on each side.

4. Gluteus Minimus Exercises  – Clamshell Variations

Unleash the power of the clamshell exercise, but with a twist! Lie on your side and open your top knee like a clamshell, but this time, try different variations. Again, one of the best effective Gluteus Minimus exercises. Use resistance bands, ankle weights, or even a stability ball to increase the challenge and activate your gluteus minimus like never before. This exercise not only lifts your booty but also strengthens your hips, giving you that coveted hourglass figure.

Steps to Perform:

Set Up:

Begin by placing the resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees.

Lie on your side on an exercise mat or the floor with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle, your knees stacked on top of each other, and your feet together. Your head should rest on your arm or a pillow for support.

Engage Your Core:

Tighten your core muscles to stabilize your spine throughout the exercise.

Perform the Clamshell:

Keeping your feet together, lift your top knee as high as you can while maintaining the position of your feet. This movement should resemble the opening of a clamshell.

Focus on using your gluteus medius to lift your knee.

Ensure that your feet remain in contact with each other throughout the movement.

Squeeze and Hold:

At the top of the movement, pause and squeeze your glutes for a moment to maximize the muscle contraction.

Lower the Leg:

Slowly lower your top knee back to the starting position, keeping the resistance band taut.


Perform the desired number of repetitions on one side before switching to the other side.

Switch Sides:

Flip over and repeat the exercise on your other side, maintaining proper form and control.

5. Gluteus Minimus Exercises  – Cross-Behind Lunges

Cross – Behind Lunges is another great gluteus minimus exercise. Get ready to cross over into booty-transforming territory with Cross-Behind Lunges. As you step back and cross one leg behind the other, your gluteus minimus springs into action to stabilize your hips. This exercise not only targets your minimus but also engages your hamstrings and quads for a well-rounded lower body burn. This is an awesome Gluteus Minimus exercise.

Equipment Needed:

None, although you can use dumbbells or a barbell to increase the resistance if desired.

Steps to perform:

Starting Position:

Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. If you’re using dumbbells, hold one in each hand at your sides, or hold a barbell on your shoulders behind your neck.

Cross Behind:

Take a step diagonally backward and across your body with your right foot, crossing it behind your left leg. Your left knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle, and your right knee should hover just above the floor on the outside of your left leg. Your feet will be staggered with the right foot behind and to the left of the left foot.

Lunge Down:

As you cross your right foot behind, lower your body down into a lunge position. Both knees should be bent at 90-degree angles, and your left knee should be directly above your left ankle.

Push Back to Center:

Push off the front (left) foot and return to the starting position. Bring your right foot back to hip-width apart from your left foot.

Switch Sides:

Repeat the same movement, but this time cross your left foot behind your right leg as you lunge.

Complete the Set:

Continue alternating between right and left sides for the desired number of repetitions. A common range is 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions per leg.

6. Gluteus Minimus Exercises  – Single-Leg Deadlifts

Among Gluteus Minimus exercises Single Leg Deadlifts is another great exercise. Elevate your glute game with Single-Leg Deadlifts. Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand, hinge at your hips and lift one leg behind you as you lower the weight. This exercise not only challenges your gluteus minimus but also improves your balance and targets your entire posterior chain. Get ready to feel the stretch and burn in your glutes and hamstrings.

You can watch the video learn the steps:

7. Gluteus Minimus Exercises  – Lateral Step-Ups

Grab a step or platform and get ready for Lateral Step-Ups. Step onto the platform sideways while focusing on pushing through your heel to engage your gluteus minimus. Alternate between legs and challenge yourself by increasing the step height or holding weights. This exercise not only shapes your booty but also works wonders for your quads and hamstrings.

Watch the video to learn exactly how it’s done!

8. Gluteus Minimus Exercises  – Fire Hydrants with Leg Extension

Wrap up your gluteus minimus workout with a bang using Fire Hydrants with Leg Extension. Start on all fours and lift one leg out to the side, like a dog at a fire hydrant. But don’t stop there! Extend the lifted leg straight back, engaging your gluteus minimus even more. This dynamic movement targets your entire hip complex, leaving you with a booty that’s on fire in all the right ways.

There you have it – the top 8 explosive gluteus minimus exercises to that helps to specifically target gluteus minimus. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter workouts and hello to targeted moves that will have you strutting with confidence. Incorporate these exercises into your routine, stay consistent, and get ready to flaunt the booty you’ve always wanted. Your Instagram followers won’t know what hit them when you unleash your sculpted gluteus minimus power!

Do check out some other featured reads on Glute workouts – Best Lower Glute Exercises, Glute Focused Leg press.