Go from 0 to 50 Push-Ups in Just 30 Days – It’s Easy Peasy


Push-ups are a powerful body-weight exercise that can significantly improve your upper body strength, tone your muscles, and boost your overall fitness. If you find yourself struggling to do even a single push-up, don’t worry! With the right approach and dedication, you can go from zero to 50 push-ups in just 30 days. This article will provide you with a realistic and effective step-by-step guide to achieve this impressive goal.

So, what do we need to do?

First let me ask you. Are you willing to put some real hard work? Are you willing to push yourself and will you do exactly as what is told here in this article? Can you be consistent and at the same time try to better yourself every day? So if your answer is yes, then you are half way through. Why, because in order to achieve something in life we need to train the mind first. Develop the strength and commitment to follow up whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

If the above is clear, we have another factor which sometimes is one of the major impediments  leading to quitting before even trying. This is PAIN! When you do any kind of physical exercise, pain is inevitable. However, pain is just temporary and without pain nothing is achievable in this world.  A child is born under extreme stress by a mother, a businessman achieves success after toiling day and night in stress, once again factor of pain is involved. Its said that a minimum of 10,000 hrs of hands on experience is required to succeed in any field. Don’t worry you will not take that these many hours for achieving 50 push-ups goal, because you are at the right place!

Now let us move onto the next step.

Assess Your Current Fitness Level:

Before diving into the challenge, it’s crucial to assess your current fitness level. Determine how many modified push-ups (e.g., wall push-ups, knee push-ups) you can comfortably perform. This will serve as your starting point and help you set realistic milestones for progress.

If you have not done any of the above modified push-ups before, then here is a small guide is given on how to perform all these exercises below.

So, lets begin our efforts in reaching our 50 push-ups mark.

A) Start Slowly with Wall Push-Ups:

Begin your journey with wall push-ups, where you lean against a wall and push yourself away.

Steps to perform Wall Push-Ups

1. Stand facing a wall.

2. Now place your both palms on the walls at shoulder width apart.

3. Move your legs slightly back, so that you form a slight angle while placing the palm on the wall. This is your Zero position.

4. Slowly bring your body close to the wall and then push with your hands again back to come back to the zero position.

5. Again go back to the wall, push and come back to zero position.

6. Repeat the steps for as many repetitions you may like.

For beginners, we recommend to just perform 3 sets of 10 reps each, focusing on maintaining proper form and control. This exercise will help activate your upper body muscles, especially the arms, triceps, chest and will help to start building stamina and the energy to do normal push-ups.

B) Gradually Progress to Incline Push-Ups:

After a few days of wall push-ups, move on to incline push-ups using an elevated surface such as a sturdy table or bench. What we are aiming here is to put a little bit more stress on our arms and chest so as to develop these muscles.

incline push ups

Steps to perform Incline Push-Ups

1. Find a bench or any other elevated surface where you can place your arms.

2. Stretch your legs back to form the same push-up stance but with your palms on the bench or incline surface.

3. Slowly bring your body close to the bench or surface, then push with your hands again back to come back to the zero position.

5. Again go back to the bench, push and come back to zero position.

6. Repeat the steps for as many repetitions you may like.

Aim for three sets of 8-10 repetitions. Lowering your body on an incline reduces the resistance and allows you to gradually build strength. This is a little advanced stage than wall push-up.

C) Master Knee Push-Ups:

Once you feel comfortable with incline push-ups, progress to knee push-ups.

Steps to perform Knee Push-Ups

1. Begin by getting down on your hands and knees on a mat or a comfortable surface.

2. Lift your knees off the ground so that your weight is supported by your hands and knees.

3. Maintain a straight line from your head to your knees. Your back should not be arched or sagging.

4. Lower your upper body toward the ground by bending your elbows.

5. Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle from your body. This reduces strain on your shoulders and helps engage your chest muscles.

6. Lower your body until your chest is a few inches above the ground or mat.

7. Come back to the start position with your arms fully extended and palms touching the ground.

8. Repeat the steps for as many repetitions you may like.

D) Use Assisted Push-Ups:

To continue progress, use resistance bands or have a partner assist you during full push-ups.

Watch this video to know it better!

Start with three sets of 4-6 repetitions. Gradually decrease assistance as you gain strength.

E) Focus on Full Push-Ups:

incline pushups 2

As you become more confident, attempt full push-ups on your toes.

Steps to perform Push-Ups

  1. Begin by positioning yourself face down on the floor, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your fingers pointing forward.
  2. Your toes should be tucked under, supporting your lower body, and your body should form a straight line from head to heels.
  3. Place your hands firmly on the ground, fingers spread for stability.
  4. Position your hands at about shoulder level or slightly wider, with your wrists aligned under your shoulders.
  5. Engage your core muscles to maintain a straight line from your head to your heels. Avoid letting your hips sag or raising your hips too high.
  6. Start bending your elbows and lowering your chest towards the ground while keeping your body in a straight line.
  7. Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle from your body. This helps engage your chest muscles and reduces stress on your shoulders.
  8. Lower your body until your chest is a few inches above the ground. Avoid touching your chest to the floor.
  9. You can continue the cycle for more repetitions.

If you can’t complete a full set, switch to knee push-ups to complete the target repetitions. Aim for three sets of 4-6 repetitions.

F) Increase Repetitions and Sets:

Gradually increase the number of repetitions and sets each week. For example, add an extra repetition to each set every 2-3 days. As you progress, aim to complete five sets of 10 repetitions by the end of the second week.

G) Rest and Recovery:

Push-ups challenge your muscles, so it’s essential to allow sufficient rest and recovery between sessions. Consider having a rest day every other day to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.

H) Stay Consistent and Stay Motivated:

Consistency is the key to success. Stick to your workout plan and stay committed to your goal. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and use them as motivation to keep going.


Going from zero to 50 push-ups in 30 days is an attainable goal with the right approach and determination. Remember to start slowly, progress gradually, and prioritize proper form throughout your journey. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll not only build impressive upper body strength but also gain a sense of accomplishment from achieving this fitness milestone. Good luck on your push-up journey!